Monday, March 29, 2010

7D and Greenscreen

I've been finding some positive results with the 7D and keying. It seems the way it's codec will smooth together common areas of color or chroma can make for a pretty easy key to pull. Here's a quick shot though where the 7D can really burn you. Its not so much in the greenscreen where I'm having an issue, its in the blocking in the pants. That's an ugly mess. This would have been a problem whether on greenscreen or not and points to the DSLR's codec needing more detail rather than less. It looks like I ran the cartoon filter over it in After Effects. Something to consider when you're shooting.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Red update

We're heading into the last leg for finishing up the Red video. There is still a lot to do but it's exciting to see the buzz the video is getting. It's been a blast turning this thing around in post, grueling but a blast. I've been tackling this project as a challenge with the tight deadline with the level of effects we're delivering. Two other guys have stepped on to help me out and have been huge in pushing this project along. Those would be Shawn Dorsey and Kelly (Kat) Myers. We've had a great, tight little crew that has helped out in so many ways along the way and when this is all over, I'll be sure to give props to each one.

But since I'm in post world right now, I just wanted to give a quick rundown of the tools that have been being put to work on this thing. Its a bit of throwing the kitchen sink at it since people aren't an option. I will say these tools work together so well though, I've had very few hangups so far and none of which has been major.

Editing - Premiere Pro with Cineform
Online/offline and assembly - After Effects
Lightwave 3D & messiahStudio
Eyeon Fusion
PFHoe for 3d tracking
3D Coat
E-On Vue
Skype has been great for collaboration as we're all over the place

Look forward to hopefully a lot of breakdowns and info on how this whole project flowed start to finish with a small budget and 7 weeks start to finish after we wrap up and deliver.